1 min read

Once I Wandered

Once I wandered late into the wood…
Once I Wandered
Photo by Florian van Duyn / Unsplash

Once I Wandered

Once I wandered
late into the wood
and found a hallowed circle
hidden there—
a place of sacred beauty
where wee fairy lights did flow
among the grass
on weaving, flick’ring paths.

Small mushrooms bowed and scraped
as they did go
and tried to follow
where the lights would lead.

A circle formed,
and ‘round a group of stones—
most ancient things
drawn from primordial earth—
they gathered there
in deep solemnity—
and yet it seemed
the place was rife with mirth!

What queen of unseen worlds
lay sleeping there?
What sprite of fairy lands
was feted thus?
What girl?
What soul?
What eyes?
What breath?
What heart?

I fell upon my knees
to join their Mass—
between our worlds
that barely mingled there—
but then the vision faded
and I found myself alone
‘midst bird calls
and the gentle, sighing air.